Controlling access to your online schedule
In most cases, it is preferable to restrict access to your schedule so that not just anyone can view it or make changes to it. The system lets you specify precisely who can use your appointment schedule, what information they can see and what they can modify. This elaborate access model makes for one of the more complex parts of the SuperSaaS system. Therefore, it is advisable to confirm that it is working as intended by trying out your schedule from your users’ point of view.

Three types of users
When it comes to controlling access to schedules, the SuperSaaS system distinguishes between three types of users; administrators, users and superusers. Each account has just one administrator, typically the person who created and manages the account. An administrator has full control over all account, schedule and user settings.
Users are the people who actually use the schedules within your account, for example your customers, members or students. You can either require users to register before booking, or allow them to schedule appointments without logging in. If your account has multiple schedules users will only need to register once to be able to log in on all the schedules in your account.
As administrator, you can create superusers and provide them with additional capabilities in order to manage schedules and bookings. You could, for example, assign colleagues superuser status so that they can make or change appointments on behalf of other people. Finally, “User Groups” allow you to limit the access of users and superusers to specific schedules.
Who can sign up as a user?
All settings regarding who exactly can register for using your schedules are found under Access Control. Note that these settings only apply if you require users to register. They are irrelevant if you allow people to book without logging in. On this page you can also configure the registration process itself; which series of steps does a new user follow when signing up? Also note that users are associated with an account and once registered by default they have access to all the schedules within that account. If you prefer to use different registration processes with different schedules you could consider creating multiple SuperSaaS accounts.
What can users do on my schedule?
Whether registration is required for a schedule is configured on the Access tab on that schedule’s Configuration page. Here you define what users (and superusers) can do with respect to adding, updating and deleting bookings. This page also allows you to define which information about the bookings is made visible to regular users. As the administrator, you will always be able to see all information.
User Groups enable fine-grained control over schedule access
By default, all users in an account have access to all schedules on that account. If you have more complex requirements, such as having only certain users being allowed to see different schedules, then that can be achieved by assigning your users to groups for access. A schedule can also be assigned to one or more groups, and the result will be that only users from those groups will be able to access that schedule. Furthermore, user groups allow a workflow where users have to wait for approval before being allowed to access a schedule.